Latest News from Mark Agius.

Watch this space for any new news about this Web site.

Note; If your Web browser does not support Java Script then some pages will not be displayed properly.

This is a newish Web site, so there are a lot of pages that have not been created yet, and a lot of bugs on the pages that have been created...


RISC USER magazine (volume 10, issue 7) has published my ! V·A·T· application.
This is version 0.02 (17/01/1997) but has been edited by RISC User as follows;
  • Renamed from ! V·A·T· to !VAT,
  • Some of the sprites have been edited or removed,
  • Templates2D file has been removed, (Program will now crash if 3D window CMOS flag is not set.)
  • Templates file has been edited,
  • !RunImage file has been converted from a absolute (&FF8) file back into a basic (&FFB) file,
  • Help sub-directory deleted,
  • Absolute (&FF8) !Help file deleted and replaces with a new text !Help file from RISC USER,
  • UK messages text file has been edited,
  • When run the iconbar doesn't display the word V·A·T· due to application being renamed but not name within app.
For more information about this program or any other programs by me, go to the Programs page.

I have redesigned the main welcome page (
as this page would not display properly with Netscape or AOL's web browser, but was o.k. with all other web browsers.
This page will look just the same with Acorn browsers and Internet Explorer.

I have added a link to the Acorn Webring site so hopefully one day someone will find this web site.

I have edited the code to all links, so that the status bar will stop saying the same message after the mouse pointer has left the link.
New HTML code for links;
<A HREF="URL address" OnMouseOver="self.status='Message one';return true" OnMouseOut="self.status='Message two';return true">
URL address= Web page address or e-mail address, eg. http:<address>, http:<address>#<target in page> or MailTo:<address>
Message one= status bar message when mouse pointer is over the link.
Message two= status bar message after mouse pointer has left the link.

I've added a welcome sound track to the index.htm page.
IF you didn't hear it then you can load it at URL;

I have also replaced the Acorn Webring fragment with the new one at;

I have done a major redesign to the Questions and Answers quiz page.
I have removed the Java script from this page so that it will work on browsers that don't support Java script.
This page now uses frames.
If your web browser doesn't support this then the page will display the links to the questions page and the answers page, so that non frame web browser can still view the frames separately.

I've changed the sound html commands
<BGSOUND SRC="SoundFile.wav or .mid" loop=..>
<EMBED SRC="SoundFile.wav or .mid" Autostart=true/false WIDTH=.. HEIGHT=.. LOOP=..>
so that sound files will also work with Netscape Navigator.

I have also uploaded a few more programs for you to download;
     Hangman is a BBC basic program I wrote on an Acorn Electron in the 80's
     Messages is an Acorn RISC application that will display messages on certain days.
     See the programs page for more details.

I've edited the links on the links page, so that they will now open in a new separate window.

Also some of my forms now use cig-bin before sending the data on to me.
<FORM ACTION="/cgi-bin/email/MarkAgius/Template.eml" METHOD="POST">
and not;
( 9/04/1998)

I've changed the URL for my home page, from;
This means that you don't need to enter the index.htm part of the URL address now.
To do this I've had to edit the links on all other pages to the home page, over 20 links, ugh!!
See Index.htm and click on the STOP button before it loads the new index.htm page, for information on Unix filename casing.

I have edited the JavaScript on the welcome page ( and the profile page ( as Microsoft Internet Explorer version 5.0 doesn't like numbers padded out with zeros at start
eg. if (value==03) will not work on IE 5.0,
but if (value==3) is ok.
Also new Date(year,month-1,day) did not work with Opera on Profile page.

Note; Lottery page ( dose not work with the Opera web browser before version 3.5!!.

Due to lack of room on web site the page on Haywards Heath has moved from;

I have moved my program's web page, program files and gif's from;
to create room for some Visual BASIC (Windows95) programs I've written.

I've also moved the Haywards Heath map page (HH_Maps.htm), gif's and links back to my MarkAgius web site, now I've created some more room on this web site.

Added St. Paul's Eucharistic Ministers rota page for Saturday 6:30pm Mass.

Edited character 128 to character 127 on index.htm and ReadMe.htm pages as the square '' character is being replaced by the new euro currency character '' by some fonts.

In JavaScript to get the computers system year you can use the method; getFullYear().
This will return the year as a four digit number in the local time.

The problem with this command is that old versions of JavaScript don't support it. :o(
So on this web site I have used the older JavaScript method; getYear().
This is supported by all versions of JavaScript and returns the local year, but as a two and not four digit number.
So 1998=98, 1999=99, 2000=0, 2001=1 etc.

To convert this into a four digit year number I used the following code;

var year=date_now.getYear()
if (year<=80) {year=year+2000}
if (year<=99) {year=year+1900}

This adds 2000 to any number less than or equal to 80. It then adds 1900 to any number less than 100.
So 0 to 80 = 2000 to 2080 and 81 to 99 = 1981 to 1999.

I have now discovered that Netscape® Communicator converts the full year by taking away 1900 from the year.
So year 2000 = 100 and not 00, 2001 = 101 and not 01 etc.
	Year	IE.	Netscape
	1995	 95	 95
	1996	 96	 96
	1997	 97	 97
	1998	 98	 98
	1999	 99	 99
	2000	  0	100
	2001	  1	101
	2002	  2	102
	2003	  3	103
	2004	  4	104
To fix this bug I have added a new line that checks if year is less than 1800.
If it is, it then first modulates the number into 100 (remander of number after dividing it by 100)

So here is the new code;

var year=date_now.getYear();
// The next line is added becouse Netscape thinks that 2000 is 100, 2001 is 101 etc.
// and not 2000=2000 or 2000=00 2001=2001 or 2001=01 etc.
if (year<1800) {year=year %100;}
if (year<=80) {year=year+2000;}
if (year<=99) {year=year+1900;}

I have edited the following pages with this new code; (frame) (frame)

Edited JavaScript getYear() code on web pages.

I have added code to the bottom of most pages that now displays the copyright year in Roman numerals.
The pages use java script from file; ScriptFile.js

<SCRIPT SRC="../ScriptFile.js"></SCRIPT>
<SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript"><!--
the_R_year = roman_number(1997,"")
if (this_year!=1997){
   the_R_year = roman_number("*","")
   document.write(" - "+the_R_year)

Use the following JavaScript code;
<SCRIPT SRC="../ScriptFile.js"></SCRIPT>
<SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript"><!--

To display the following information;
The script file 'ScriptFile.js' will also set the JavaScript variable 'this_year' to your computers current year.

Added code to display copyright year in Roman numerals on web pages.
( 2/04/2000)

Added new page that displays the dates for holidays and moveable feasts for any year.

This page display the dates for holidays and moveable feasts for the current year with JavaScript code.
If your web browser is also supporting cookies, then you can also select any other year.

Some of the data before; 14/09/1752 may be incorrect, see information on Holidays page.

JavaScript page to display holidays and moveable feasts.

The holidays and moveable feasts page now stores the date and other data at the end of the url.

This page uses the page address to store any data. As page doesn't use any cookies, the code will run on browsers that don't support cookies.
Eg. will load year 1962 ad. will load year 1962 ad. will load the year 62 ad. will load year 62 bc.

Holidays.htm now holds date (year) in URL and not in a cookie.

New bug introduced with Windows 98 and Internet Explorer 5.0.

If you click on the 'Refresh icon or menu View Refresh option then some pages that use the
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC ... > and/or <!-- comment --> tag in the first line before the <HTML> tag don't reload the page but display the source code instead!

I've moved the <HTML> tag to the first line or edited the <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC ...> tags on the pages that this bug affects. But you will still find many pages on other web sites that are effected with this bug.

Please the owners of any other web-sites affected with this bug
and quote this page address.

Windows 98 refresh bug with <!DOCTYPE .. > tag.

Please report any bugs, spelling mistakes, dead links (old links that no longer work) etc. to the e-mail address at the end of this page.


This page was created on;  24/05/1997
and was last updated on; 25/08/2000
(Dates in U.K. format e.g.; day/month/year)
Mark A. Agius, © MCMXCVII