The end to DVD. (News updated;  6/02/2000)

So you've upgraded your 5¼" floppy disc drive for a 3½" disc drive.
You've added a two times CD-ROM drive. Updated it to an 8 times then 40 times one.
Swapped it for a CDR-ROM drive, then a CD-RW ROM drive.
Now you're thinking of getting a DVD/CD-ROM but are waiting for a DVD-RW/CD-RW drive.
Well the latest technology is now called FMD (Fluorescent Multilayer Disc)
A CD-ROM can hold 650Mb, a DVD holds 18Gb but the new FMD drive will hold 140Gb.
Will there ever be a FMD-RW drive?

Clocks went forward one hour from G.M.T. to B.S.T. on 26/03/2000 at 1:00am/2:00am (News updated; 26/03/2000) Clocks went back one hour from B.S.T. to G.M.T. on 29/10/2000 at 3am (BST) (News updated; 1/11/2000)
FLOODS MISERY GOES ON AND ON. (News updated; 11/11/2000)

STORM and floods misery continued this week with Mid Sussex commuters and motorists being hit badly.

Fireworks night displays at Lindfield and Hurstpierpoint were called off, more roads disappeared under water, and there were major headaches for commuters, with services axed by a double whammy of flooding, landslides and rail works.
This week saw thousands of commuters stay home or struggle in to work for half-days as the floods caused chaos to rail and roads.
Trains from Brighton to Haywards Heath were brought to a standstill early this week by flooding in the tunnel at Patcham and at Hassocks.
A landslip onto the line at Hassocks also added to the problems.
Buses were laid on to bridge gaps in the service.
But with roads also clogged up by traffic diverted from flood-closed routes, the journeys were long and winding with passengers still experiencing long delays.
One rail commuter into Burgess Hill said: "We've missed two half-days and one whole day and been at least an hour late for coming up to two weeks now.
It's because of speed restrictions imposed for safety, and the major delays due to flooding. That's stopped things altogether."

Shelley Atlas, chairman of the Brighton Line Commuters said: "We have had a lousy service these last few weeks.
I know this engineering work has to be done following the Hatfield crash, but it could not have come at a worse time with the additional problems of flooding and the worries about petrol."

A spokesman for rail operations Connex South Central said: "We are providing the best possible level of service we can in continuing very difficult circumstances.
We've now got the problems of not being able to run through trains between Haywards Heath and Brighton because of a serious landslip at Hassocks, and Rail track's estimate is that this could take up to two weeks to repair.
Our staff are doing their level best to give up to the minute information, but with a rapidly changing picture, that's not always possible."

On Monday ( 6/11/2000), severe flood warnings were issued for the River Adur with Burgess Hill and Hassocks reported as the highest risk areas.
And local flooding hit roads including Westlands Road, Haywards Heath, where it seeped into front gardens, Hickmans Lane, Lindfield, Eight Arches in Valebridge Road, Burgess Hill, and the Lindfield to Walstead Road.
Motorists faced more hassles with flooding blocking roads at Newick, Wivelsfield and jamming up traffic at Ditchling.

And more flooding blocked the London to Brighton rail line at Hassocks yesterday ( 8/11/2000), while traffic into Brighton was snarled up with the closure of London Road at Patcham, under several feet of water.
There was drama at Fletching where RSPCA Inspectors saved around 50 sheep found swimming for their lives in a flooded field.
They manually rescued some of the flock by pulling them alongside the boat in the three and a half hour-long operation.

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