Please take note;
All programs listed on this page were written
by Mark A. Agius unless otherwise stated.
Click here to goto the list of programs.
Copyright Notice / Licence Agreement;
All programs/applications and other software listed on this page are FREEWARE, unless otherwise stated.
This means that;
The copyright remains with me Mr. Mark A. Agius at all times.
You may distribute it freely, but you may only charge for the cost of media and postage.
You must not sell it for any gain.
You must not distribute altered copies of the software.
This software is supplied "as is", and under no circumstances shall I be liable for any damage, loss of profits, goodwill or for any indirect or consequential loss arising out of your use of the program/application or software, or inability to use the software, even if I have been advised of the possibility of such loss.
Breaking any of these conditions is a breach of the copyright and the offender could face prosecution.
I reserve the right to change any of these conditions at any time without notice.
Key to symbols; |
 | = BBC Acorn 8-bit compatable. |
 | = Acorn RISC 32-bit compatable. |
 | = IBM DOS compatable. |
 | = IBM / Microsoft Windows 3.x compatable. |
 | = IBM / Microsoft Windows 95 compatable. |
 | = IBM / Microsoft Windows 98 compatable. |
 | = IBM / Microsoft Windows 3.x, 95 and 98 compatable. |
 | = ASCII text file. You may need to edit the new-line character from/to char. 10,13 e.t.c. |
 | = Acorn file. |
 | = IBM file. |
 | = Java / JavaScript. HTML web page that uses a Java applet or contains JavaScript code. |
 | = Acorn RISC archive file.
After file downloaded, drag onto !ArcFS
, this will set the filetype to ArcFSArc (&3FB) and open the archive.
!ArcFS was written by Mark Smith©1995. |
 | = IBM archive file.
You will need to use the
or some other program that can extract the files from within the archive (.zip) file. |
 Uploaded DATE |
= New file added to this web site. Date under icon is date file was added/uploaded to this web site. |
Programs Index.

Download !ArcFS application, by Mark Smith.
Most of the Acorn files here have been archived with !ArcFSr/w. After downloading archive you can de-archive it with !ArcFS.
The !ArcFS application is on most (if not all) Acorn magazine discs, but if you don't have a copy of it then you can download it here.
After downloading file set filetype to Absolute (&FF8), then double click on file to create the !ArcFS application.
!ArcFS will set the filetype to ArcFSArc (&3FB) automaticaly after a archive file with no filetype is draged to !ArcFS.
NOTE; You will need to set the filetype to Absolute (&FF8), after downloading this file, then double click on the file to create the !ArcFS application.
Absolute file size 30K bytes.

Download Acorn archive of the !Alphabets application.
Version 0.01c (17/11/1996), by Mark A. Agius.
This application will display the currently defined system font (as with !Chars).
The system fonts in any of the supported alphabets, or the system font in a BBC font file.
You can display one alphabet e.g. TeletextGr while the system is set to Latin1 and enter your MODE 7 teletext graphics program.
You will need to set the filetype to ArcFSArc (&3FB), after downloading this file.
Archive file size 60K bytes.

Download Acorn archive of the !DrawFonts application.
Version 0.06 (11/08/1996), by Mark A. Agius.
This application will create a number of Draw files that list and display all your fonts.
You can then printout the files and use them for quick reference.
You can also *FontInstall or *FontRemove a font directory by draging it onto the !DrawFonts main window.
NOTE; You will need to set the filetype to ArcFSArc (&3FB), after downloading this file.
Archive file size 55K bytes.

Download Acorn archive of the !DT_Info application.
Version 0.02 ( 7/01/1997), by Mark A. Agius.
This application will display infomation about what is under the pointer.
It displays the application name, number, window title, window number, icon number e.t.c.
NOTE; You will need to set the filetype to ArcFSArc (&3FB), after downloading this file.
Archive file size 18K bytes.

Download Acorn archive of the !Eucharist and !Euc-!Draw applications.
The !Eucharist application,
Version 0.01 (11/02/1993), by Mark A. Agius.
is a type of spreadsheet program that will automatically workout the rota for Eucharistic Ministers at Church.
You may find this application usefull for other jobs, e.g. work out a rota for housework e.t.c.
This 32-bit RISC program has evolved from a BBC 8-bit Acorn Electron program.
I've used 8-bit and 32-bit versions of this program since 1981, for my Church.
The !Euc-!Draw application,
Version 0.00b ( 1/01/1995), by Mark A. Agius.
will create a DrawFile (&AFF) from a Euc_FILE (&0EC) created by !Eucharist. You can then edit and printout this file in !Draw.
NOTE; You will need to set the filetype to ArcFSArc (&3FB), after downloading this file.
Archive file size 127K bytes.

Download Acorn archive of the Homerton latin 3 fonts.
(21/07/1996 - 18/11/1996), by Mark A. Agius.
This font is as close as possable to Acorns latin 3 Homerton font, but you can use this font at the same time as you are useing the lattin 1 fonts.
To use this font just drag the !Fonts folder onto your main !Fonts folder, then double click select on your main !Fonts folder to update the font manager.
This font contains the Maltese characters;
C-dot, G-dot, H-cut and Z-dot,
a computer zero and the French seven.
NOTE; You will need to set the filetype to ArcFSArc (&3FB), after downloading this file.
Archive file size 58K bytes.

Download Acorn archive of the !LotPick application.
Version 0.02 ( 3/08/1996), by Mark A. Agius.
This application will automatically pick your National Lottery numbers for you
(and take into account previous results from the National Lottery).
Note; I haven't won any money with !LotPick yet,
but I've never entered the National Lottery. :-(
Have you seen my lottery page, there is some JavaScript code there that selects by random a set of National Lottery numbers.
NOTE; You will need to set the filetype to ArcFSArc (&3FB), after downloading this file.
Archive file size 38K bytes.

Download Acorn archive of the ! V·A·T· application.
Version 0.02 (17/01/1997), by Mark A. Agius.
This application will tell you the total price from the price before VAT is added, what the price was before VAT from the total, how much is VAT from the total e.t.c.
This version 0.02 was published in the RISC User magazine
(June 1997, volume 10, issue 7)
and also on the RISC USER ...in a Nutshell (CD-ROM released in May 2000).
but was slightly edited. (2D template file removed!)
This application is now only available from the RISC User magazine.
© RISC User 1997.
Archive file size 33K bytes.

Download Acorn archive of the basic 2D-3D program.
Version 0.01 (23/08/1996), by Mark A. Agius.
This basic program will toggle on/off the 2D-3D window CMOS flag (CMOS memory &8C)
You may wish to use this program to see how my applications, and applications by others are displayed with this flag turned on or off.
You can also easly edit this program to read and set the system variable NewLook$Options instead or the CMOS flag.
NOTE; You will need to set the filetype to ArcFSArc (&3FB), after downloading this file.
Archive file size 3292 bytes.

Download Acorn archive of the !Base_X application.
Version 0.02b (8/11/1997), by Mark A. Agius.
This demonstration version of !Base_X will convert a number in any base to any other base.
It will also convert numbers from/to roman numerals.
1997 = %11111001101 (binary, base 2)
1997 = &7CD (hexadecimal, base 16)
1997 = IJH (base 36)
1997 = WD (base 62)
1997 = MCMXCVII (roman number)
-123 = CXXIII bc (roman number)
If you wish to purchase the full version then you will need to run the !Unique_ID application to findout your computers ID number.
NOTE; You will need to set the filetype to ArcFSArc (&3FB), after downloading this file.
Archive file size 52K bytes.

Download Acorn archive of the !E-Form application.
Version 0.01 (15/11/1997), by Mark A. Agius.
This demonstration version of !E-Form will convert an e-mail message that was sent by an internet form into a text file.
An e-form file is what I call an e-mail message that was created by a form on a web page.
You can't read this type of file until after you've converted it with !E-Form, as they convert certain characters into code.
A space is converted into a + = A+space+is+converted+into+a+%2B
If you wish to purchase the full version then you will need to run the !Unique_ID application to findout your computers ID number.
NOTE; You will need to set the filetype to ArcFSArc (&3FB), after downloading this file.
Archive file size 48K bytes.

Download Acorn archive of the !Unique_ID application.
Version 0.03 ( 9/11/1997), by Mark A. Agius.
This application will display your computers unique ID number.
If you wish to purchas the full version of one or more of the demonstration programs on this page then you must tell me what your computers unique ID number is.
Once you've paid the money then I'll send you the application !ToFullVer. This application will allow a demo version to run as the full version on your computer.
Most demonstration versions will only run for a month, then they will display an error message.
NOTE; You will need to set the filetype to ArcFSArc (&3FB), after downloading this file.
Archive file size 22K bytes.

Download Acorn file of the Hangman program.
Version 0.02 (1980's-1990's), by Mark A. Agius.
This basic program was written in the 80's on an 8-bit Acorn Electron. It was later run on a BBC Master 128, and now on an Acorn 32-bit RISC computer.
This basic program is the classic hangman game. It will pick out a word by random and you have to guess the word within a certain number of moves.
This *Basic file has been converted into a pure ASCII file with the *Spool command, as the !ArcFS application will not work on 8-bit machines.
NOTE; You will need to convert this file into a BBC basic program (&FFB), after downloading it.
Drag file into !Edit (32-bit machines), or type *TYPE file ctrl+N (8-bit machines) to view file.
Read information at start of file on how to convert it into a *Basic file with the *EXEC new_file_name command.
After deleting top of file, use the *Exec command to convert it back into a *Basic file.
ASCII file size 10K bytes.

Download Acorn archive of the !Messages application.
Version 0.02 (23/03/1996), by Mark A. Agius.
This application will display any important messages for the current day.
It will display the day and date and any messages for the day.
You can also display a monthly calendar for the current month or any other month in any year.
You can create and/or edit the messages with !Messages, or use any text editor (eg. !Edit)
NOTE; You will need to set the filetype to ArcFSArc (&3FB), after downloading this file.
Archive file size 48K bytes.

Download BBC font file (archived) of the Alien character set with draw file.
Version 0.01 (11/02/1998)
The BBC font file within this archive will turn the system font character set into some strange Aliens character set.
The two obey files FX 20 and FX 25 reset the character set back to normal.
The draw file will help you convert the Aliens code by displaying the system characters and the Corpus font at the same time.
See the questions page (question 12) for a demonstration message from space.
NOTE; You will need to set the filetype to ArcFSArc (&3FB), after downloading this file.
Archive file size 5.32K bytes.

Decimal to Roman numeral converter.
Version 0.01 (18/10/1998)
You can use this program to convert decimal integers into Roman numerals and Roman numerals into decimal numbers.
Download files;
Archive file size 1.42M bytes.
RomanAll.zip the Visual Basic program, with setup/install program and all other files that are needed to run program.
This file holds all the files that are needed to run this application on a Windows 95 computer.
WARNING; This file is 1.42M bytes big.
Archive file size 12.3K bytes.
RomanEXE.zip the Visual Basic program, EXE and help files only.
This file is smaller and quicker to download than the above file, but you must have some other system files that this Visual Basic program uses eg. MSVBVM50.dll
File size 6.08K bytes.
Roman.htm Java Script page.
HTML page that displays the number 1900 to 2100 in decimal and Roman numerals.

Visual Basic programs.
Encryption 'Code converter' program,
'Bus booking' application,
'Eucharist Ministers Rota' application,
Etc. etc. etc.
As soon as I've got the full version of Visual Basic with the compiler.
Don't forget that there's JavaScript code on this web site too.
See JavaScript on home page at; http://members.aol.com:/MarkAgius/index.htm,
on browser information page at; http://members.aol.com:/MarkAgius/WebPages/System.htm,
on Haywards Heath map page at; http://members.aol.com:/MarkAgius/Profile/HH_Maps.htm,
on ten hour clock page at; http://members.aol.com:/MarkAgius/WebPages/TenHour.htm,
on time to millennium page at; http://members.aol.com:/MarkAgius/WebPages/TimeLeft.htm,
on lottery page at; http://members.aol.com:/MarkAgius/WebPages/Lottery.htm,
on this day frame at; http://members.aol.com:/MarkAgius/WebPages/Today_is/Pick_day,
on links to other web sites page at; http://members.aol.com:/MarkAgius/WebPages/Links/Linked.htm,
on profile page at; http://members.aol.com:/MarkAgius/Profile/Profile.htm,
and list of years from 1900 to 2100 in Roman numerals at; Roman.htm page
etc. etc. etc.