Question 1; How many days are there in a year? (a) 360 days, (b) 361 days, (c) 362 days, (d) 363 days, (e) 364 days, (f) 365 days, (g) 366 days, (h) 367 days, (i) 368 days, (j) 369 days, (k) Some other number. Display answer 1. Go to question 2. Return to questions menu. Question 2; Which sum is the biggest? Sum a or sum b 9.87654321 1.23456789 0.87654321 1.2345678 0.07654321 1.234567 0.00654321 1.23456 0.00054321 1.2345 0.00004321 1.234 0.00000321 1.23 0.00000021 1.2 + 0.00000001 + 1 = = Display answer 2. Go to question 3. Return to questions menu. Question 3; Who wrote the second Gospel of the New Testament? Display answer 3. Go to question 4. Return to questions menu. Question 4; Can Earthworms hear? Display answer 4. Go to question 5. Return to questions menu. Question 5; Who invented the ten hours per day clock system? Display answer 5. Go to question 6. Return to questions menu. Question 6; Who wrote this Web site? Display answer 6. Go to question 7. Return to questions menu. Question 7; What's the name of are closest star? Display answer 7. Go to question 8. Return to questions menu. Question 8; How many Moons are there in are solar system? Display answer 8. Go to question 9. Return to questions menu. Question 9; Why is the sky blue? Display answer 9. Go to question 10. Return to questions menu. Question 10; What does N.A.U.A. stand for? Display answer 10. Go to question 11. Return to questions menu. Question 11; Can you get to the centre of the maze, then out again?Display answer 11. Go to question 12. Return to questions menu. Question 12; Can you translate this message from the alien language into English?
Display alien to English conversion code, to help workout the message. Display answer 12. Go to question 13. Return to questions menu. Question 13; From which TV program or film is this theme tune from?